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  After the cannon batteries had done their work, 12,500 Confederate soldiers charged the Federal (Union) lines. Some reached the stone wall that shielded the Federal (Union) troops, and hand to hand combat ensued. The Confederates could not hold this northern most position of the war, and suffered 50% casualties. Falling back, the Battle of Gettysburg was now over for the South. The Confederate forces would never venture this far into Union territory and be on â??the offensive.â?? Food and munitions were severely depleted. The human toll was far greater. Morale and the belief in General Robert E. Lee, always the Confederacyâ??s strongest attribute, had suffered greatly. While many consider the Battle of Gettysburg a â??drawâ??, it was the turning point that put the Federal (Union) forces on the offensive for the first time in the conflict.

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