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A pension scheme <a href="http://minastarbd.com/cabergoline-copay-card-r118">cabergoline 0.5 mg tablet price india</a>  BY ANELIA K. DIMITROVATen Dutch Harley riders roared through Waverly Monday morning on their way to the 73rd annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which started July 29 and will end on Aug. 11.trip called Back in the USA and their goal is to raise money for cancer cure.Cranking their 1940s and '50s military Harleys to full throttle, and blowing their sirens, the "Riding Dutchmen" crossed the Bremer Avenue bridge around 9:30 a.m. and headed to breakfast at Hy-Vee, as motorists honked to greet them.Some of the riders had traveled to America before, but this is the first time they will travel the U.S. on their motorcycles and as a group. The vintage Harleys, made by the 110-year-old company, were shipped from Amsterdam to Norfolk, Va., and then loaded on a train to Chicago, where the group reunited with them after they flew into O'Hare International Airport.This is the first American experience for Rob Punte, whose brother, Paul, died of cancer. Another rider, Ries van Kuijk, is also fighting a tough battle with cancer, so a friend, Ton van Lint, joined the ride in his honor.The men spent Sunday night at the Star Motel, on the east side of town, where they surprised owner Richard Schulz and his wife, Dodie, when they showed up in the parking lot around 6 p.m."They were 1940s to 1950s motorcycles and they are vintage World War II. How rare is that?" Richard said. "I was tickled they stopped at the motel. I've got classic cars and motorcycles also, so to me, it's really special to see that. And Dodie loves the sound of the classic and muscle cars also."As they prepared to leave the motel, one of the riders, Benno Poelma, sported his yellow wooden shoes, and laughed when Richard showed him his Harley boots and insisted that that's the proper way to ride a Harley motorcycle, but the Dutchman politely disagreed.At the Hy-Vee parking lot, the Harleys were a magnet for motorcycle lovers and casual onlookers who lingered to check out the rare machines.The gun racks and the ammunition boxes as well as the tail lights and headlights, designed for low vision to avoid detection, were a special attraction.Robert Kimball, a retired floor installer and Shell Rock's former fire chief, who is fighting Stage IV cancer in the spine, saw the motorcycles by chance. He and wife Bernice had gone out for breakfast Monday morning, a rare occasion due to his illness.Seeing the motorcycles was a special treat for Robert, who served in Germany as a mechanic for the Army during the Cold War."I think that's just wonderful," he said of the team's mission. "I've had rides on them. It was a blessing, really, to see them here."Cancer is not limited to the people of the United States, it's all over the world."CUTLINE FOR PHOTO ON BACK : Posing outside the Star Motel are George Cornelis, Arno van Rooijen, Fred van Essen, Benno Poelma, motel owner Richard Schulz, Rob Punte, Jan van Kuijk, Freddy Poelma, Chiel Jongerius, Ton van Lint and Hans Wansing. Van Lint is riding in honor of Ries van Kuijk, who is battling cancer.

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